14-Year-Old Girl Caught with Gun After Alleged Plot to Kill Teacher Over Haircut

In a shocking case of school violence, a 14-year-old student from Ikot Ewa Secondary School in Nigeria was arrested by the Nigerian Army for allegedly planning to kill her teacher. The girl was found in possession of a cut-to-size double-barrel gun, which she reportedly intended to use in retaliation for being forced to cut her dyed hair.

Reports indicate that the teacher had enforced the school’s grooming policy, which mandates students to maintain natural hair. Feeling humiliated by the enforcement of this rule, the teenager allegedly decided to take drastic action. Fortunately, authorities intervened before she could carry out her plan, leading to her arrest.
This alarming incident has sparked widespread concern about the rise of student violence and the ease with which minors can access firearms. Many are questioning how a teenager was able to obtain such a deadly weapon and what factors may have influenced her actions.
The case also highlights the broader issue of discipline in schools and the increasing challenges teachers face in maintaining order. It raises important discussions about parenting, societal values, and the need for better mechanisms to address student grievances before they escalate into violence.
During interrogation by the Nigerian Army, she revealed that the weapon was giving to her by her boyfriend who also happens to be married and also a father of 3.
This shocking incident has sparked concerns about the growing issue of student violence and the ease with which minors can access firearms in Nigeria. Many are questioning how such a young girl managed to obtain a deadly weapon, raising deeper concerns about societal influences and parental supervision.